Friday, 23 April 2010

The Wild About Us: The Rat that got away

This little drama played out in my little back garden around tea time this evening. I discover that a Rat has decided to take up residence under some decking in my back garden. I happen to spy it paying a visit to the fallen scraps from the bird feeders.

1. Enter stage left neighbouhood nuisance Cat that hunts anything that flys, walks or crawls.
2. Cat spies Rat and stalks to within inches of the feeding rodent.
3. Cat Pounces and makes a cat like grab, Rat back flips away and makes a dash for his bolt hole.
4. Cat is left trailing it Rats wake.
5. Rat disappears from view into safety of bolt hole
6. Cat is encouraged by house owner to leave garden at a rapid rate of knots (no pictures) ; )

I did not have a charged battery in my video camera
I cannot have rats living in my garden so close to the house (appropriate measures will be taken)

Tuesday, 20 April 2010

Everytnig still grounded...well nearly everything

There is a very limited amount or aircraft activity due to the volcanic ash spewing forth into the skies and making for dangerous flying conditions. But down here on Earth where election fever is building something seems to be flying high and uninhibited.

Sunday, 18 April 2010

This Cartoon Life: Don't get carried away

After a successful first debate I hope the Lib Dems don't get too carried away.

Friday, 16 April 2010

Debate about the Debate

Sat and watched the so called historic event. It was all very sterile.....Liberal Cleggy seems to have come out best in the 'instant poll' followed by Shiny Cameron (the tipsters favourite) with Chunky Brown just about keeping pace.
It will be interesting to see how Cleggy responds as he finds himself having to follow up this mini victory in the next debate. He is now in unchartered territory having won something....seconds out round two

Thursday, 15 April 2010

A first in British Political TV

If a body language 'expert' dosen't appear somewhere after tonights televised debate then I will eat my entire Britannia Encylopedia collection smothered in Golde Syrup.

Wednesday, 7 April 2010

This Cartoon Life: Wheres wotizname?

You know thingamijig. The one who likes yellow ties

Next time

Tuesday, 6 April 2010

This Cartoon life: Election time is here

I suppose if old Gordon Brown were to sit down for me for a few minutes at a party then I suspect he would end up looking something similar to this, perhaps not so constipated looking.

Well the date for the general election has finally been anounced, so the canvassing will now start in earnest and we will once again hear news reporters mention the word Hustings as the three main contenders begin their rhetoric peppered with promises and pledges in a bid to win our vote. First time in a while I have been really interested in the outcome of an election as this one could spring a few surprises.

Note to myself: must do some more political caricatures during election season